Any graduate of the H. L. Miller Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary is eligible to become a member of the Cantors Assembly within 5 years of graduation.
A graduate from any other recognized and accredited school of Ḥazzanut is eligible for membership in the Cantors Assembly. If applying within 2 years of graduation, this individual must pass an abbreviated examination and be interviewed by the Membership Chair.Graduates of these schools, who apply after the two year “window” may be required to take the full entrance examination.
Here is a list of the fully accredited schools of Ḥazzanut, which the Cantors Assembly recognizes at this time:
H. L. Miller Cantorial School - Jewish Theological Seminary
Hebrew College
Academy for Jewish Religion-California
Academy for Jewish Religion (in Yonkers, NY)
Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music - Hebrew Union College
Additionally, any Cantorial intern or Cantorial soloist over twenty-five years of age, with appropriate training, and who before applying for membership shall have served five consecutive years as a full-time cantorial intern or cantorial soloist in a duly constituted and functioning congregation, is eligible for membership in the Cantors Assembly.This individual must complete a Membership Application; have a personal interview with the Membership Chair; and then pass - over a two day period - the full formal written and oral examinations in effect at that time. To access the study guides and syllabi for the written and oral examinations, click the following links: Written Exam or Oral Exam
Another option is to participate in the Cantorial Intern of the Cantors Assembly (CICA) program. The Cantors Assembly recognizes the need of reaching out to shliḥei tzibur who do not qualify for membership in our organization when such individuals demonstrate that they are sincerely committed to this sacred calling. We elevate the Cantorate by increasing their knowledge and skills. The purpose of this initiative is to train and prepare such individuals so they can acquire the knowledge needed to pass our examinations for membership. At the same time, we will strengthen our organization with the infusion of additional new members. For these reasons, the Cantors Assembly established the CICA program.For a complete description, including qualifications and requirements, please click here.
If you need more information, or have questions about any of the Cantors Assembly membership options, you may contact our Membership Chair, Ḥazzan Bruce Braun at 330.864.8533 ext. 202 or