Ḥazzan Joanna Dulkin is committed to innovative musical and spiritual leadership that inspires joy, connection and meaning at all ages and stages. She currently serves Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Minnetonka, Minnesota. She is an honors graduate of Stanford University, where she studied English, sang a cappella, and led community High Holiday Services. Her background as a songleader, musician and educator led her to the cantorate. Hazzan Dulkin received her Masters of Sacred Music and Investiture from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2004, and completed the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Cantorial Leadership Program in 2007. While at JTS, Ḥazzan Dulkin founded the music program at Camp Ramah Darom. She is on the editorial committee of Siddur Lev Shalem and the RA/CA Clergy Manual, is a long-time faculty member of Songleader Boot Camp, and became a Registered Yoga Teacher. She has taught and performed in congregations and communities all over the world and is also a published writer and an award-winning composer. Ḥazzan Dulkin and her husband, Rabbi Dr. Ryan Dulkin, are the proud parents of Zac and Jesse.
Senior Vice President
(412) 521-6788
Rabbi Ḥazzan Jeffrey Myers has served as the Rabbi and Cantor for the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since the summer of 2017. He received a BA from Rutgers, an MA in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary and studied privately with Cantor Zvi Aroni before graduating from the Cantorial School of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America. After the horrific morning of October 27, 2018, when a heavily armed gunman began a murderous rampage in the Tree of Life, Rabbi Ḥazzan Myers—who survived the attack—became the face of the tragedy. Since then, he has set about sending the key message that love is stronger than hate. Rabbi Ḥazzan Myers contends that a lack of understanding of our neighbors leads to fear and sometimes loathing, which can lead to acts of violence. He believes that if we are ever to remove the "H word" from our society, it must start with pledging not to use that word in speech, just as he has done in honor of the 11 lives lost at the Tree of Life.
Rabbi Ḥazzan Myers received his Rabbinic Ordination from Mesivta Adath Wolkowisk. He has served as a trustee on the Executive Council of the Cantors Assembly and chair of its Membership Committee. He also served as a trustee on the Executive Board of the Jewish Educators Assembly and co-chair of the Membership Committee. Rabbi Ḥazzan Myers was a board member on the National Education Commission of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the National Deliberation Team for Project Etgar, the new curriculum for the middle school that is a joint project of the United Synagogue and the Melton Institute. He also served on the Advisory Board of the Institute for Congregational School Principals Advisory Board.
In 2018, Rabbi Ḥazzan Myers received an honorary doctorate in Jewish Music from The Jewish Theological Seminary, and an honorary doctorate of divinity from Washington & Jefferson College. He has also been privileged to receive the Heroes designation from CNN, and a Rescuer of Humanity medal from the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Rabbi Ḥazzan Myers has testified before both Houses of Congress, participated in many gatherings in the White House, and has spoken throughout the United States on the proliferation of H speech.
Vice President at Large
Originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Ḥazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey did not really grow up with the Cantorial musical tradition ringing in her ears. She did, however, participate in Jewish musical activities from the time she joined the synagogue children’s choir at age 7. Since then, Ḥazzan Dienstfrey has toured Europe with the U.S. National Chorus, obtained a dual degree in Music and Religious Studies from Occidental College, studied at Hebrew University and the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem, worked as Cantor of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism in New York City, and graduated from the H. L. Miller Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Ḥazzan Dienstfrey has served as Ḥazzan of Agudas Achim Congregation in Alexandria, Virginia since July of 2000. In addition to her usual cantorial duties at Agudas Achim and her work as an officer of the Cantors Assembly, Ḥazzan Dienstfrey is an enthusiastic member of the Agudas Achim house band, Ein Lanu Z’man.
The only job she enjoys more than her work as a Ḥazzan is that of partner to her wonderful husband, Tobias, and mother to her beautiful children: Margalit, Akiva, Leo, and Lev.
Hillary Chorny
Vice President administration
(310)652-7354 XT. 230
Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny is the Cantor at Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles, California. She completed her cantorial investiture, rabbinical ordination, and a Master’s degree in Sacred Music at the Jewish Theological Seminary before joining the staff of Temple Beth Am in August, 2014. Raised in San Diego, California, she grew up with a deep attachment to the Conservative Jewish community. In 2008, Hillary graduated from American University in Washington, D.C. with a B.A. in Jewish studies and a minor in vocal jazz performance. After working as a Judaics instructor and music director in various Jewish communities and camps, Hillary pursued her dream of becoming a cantor. In time, she was inspired by her teachers and family to also pursue the rabbinate.
For several years, Hillary has co-produced the Sacred Sounds Unbound concert series with burgeoning Jewish music artists and the Kol Tefilla conference on prayer experiences with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Hillary is an instructor for first year students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinical Studies. She is an avid writer and is currently enrolled in UCLA’s extension program for a certificate in creative nonfiction writing. She also serves on the advisory board of the Jewish Sacred Music Foundation. She and her husband, Rabbi Daniel Chorny, met in Israel and continue to enjoy learning together with their two children, Ella and Yossi.
Cantor Jen Cohen grew up in Easton, Pennsylvania, and earned a B.A. in East Asian Studies, Magna Cum Laude, from Yale University. She then moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and toured the U.S. playing universities and clubs, recording two CDs, and earning nominations for Campus Entertainer of the Year three years running. With a love of Jewish music and transformative experiences in volunteer and interfaith work while in Nashville, she entered the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City, where she explored the intersection of her pop music background and the traditional melodies of the synagogue.
Upon investiture as a cantor in 2009, Cantor Cohen transitioned from her student pulpit at Temple Beth Sholom in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, to her full-time position there, where she has proudly served since.
At JTS commencement, Cantor Cohen received the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism Kol Isha Award, and in February 2010, she was named to Chancellor Arnold Eisen’s task force to restructure the cantorial school at JTS. She currently serves as an officer of the Cantors Assembly and as the cantorial representative on the Jewish Theological Seminary’s Division of Religious Leadership lay board.
Cantor Cohen is a member of the musical group Divas on the Bima, founded at Temple Beth Sholom in 2010, and tours the US and Canada with this group of wonderful cantors. She is thrilled to call Temple Beth Sholom her home and enjoys travel, comedy, design, photography, and her chihuahua, internet-famous muse, Biscuit.
A native of Worcester, Massachusetts, Ḥazzan Jesse Holzer has served as the cantor for the Jacksonville Jewish Center congregation since 2008. He received his BA from New York University and completed a Masters Degree in Sacred Music and ordination as a Ḥazzan from the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2008.
Jesse currently serves as Vice President of ICARE, the Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation & Empowerment, playing a key role on their Mental Health Steering Committee. Jesse has enjoyed participating in a number of social justice and interfaith initiatives in Jacksonville, from hosting community suppers to advocating for the expansion of the local Human Rights Ordinance. He is an avid sports enthusiast, enjoys travel and playing piano, and is a devoted collector of Jewish music and rare prayer books. Ḥazzan Holzer is happily married to Leora and has three adorable children, Rena, Dafna, and Eitan.
Uruguayan born Ḥazzan Rabbi Luis U. Cattan’s passion for Jewish music, Jewish culture, Jewish spirituality, and Israel transpires in every moment of his career. Ever since he arrived in the United States, he has been involved with the Cantors Assembly, which is the organization that, to him, represents the embodiment of his passion for Jewish music, Jewish spirituality, and Jewish education.
Ḥazzan Rabbi Cattan is currently serving at The Sutton Place Synagogue in New York City. In 2020 he received his Rabbinical ordination and Master of Arts in Jewish Studies from the Academy for Jewish Religion. He is the Immediate Past President of the Cantors Assembly.
His music is the result of a blend between the Sephardic and Ashkenazic worlds. His paternal grandparents emigrated from Turkey to Uruguay in 1919. Ladino was their mother tongue. His maternal grandparents emigrated ten years later from Eastern Europe. They spoke Yiddish.
Growing up in Uruguay, he became involved in music at a very early age. He began participating in the synagogue choir at age of 11 and has been singing ever since. As a native Uruguayan he attended the Catholic University of Montevideo receiving his BA in Social Communication Sciences with a major in Advertising. He sought private instruction under the tutelage of renowned local teachers. Upon returning from Israel, where he spent a year studying, he started his Ḥazzanut training with different mentors in Uruguay and in Argentina as well. He became the Head Ḥazzan at the NCI (the largest Conservative Synagogue in Uruguay). He also served as International Vice President of Mercaz Olami (Zionist Conservative Movement) as one of the founders of the Uruguayan Branch.
In 2003, Ḥazzan Rabbi Cattan moved to the United States with his family. He served for five years in Miami Beach, Florida, at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation, where he also created a series of concerts named “Tapas, Wine and Jewish Jazz”. In 2008 he became the cantor at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus in North Miami Beach, where he also served as education director. During that time, he released a CD named “On the Wings of Prayer” that features the eclectic style of his renditions that blend tradition with contemporary sounds of Sephardic and Ashkenazic origins. Some of the songs from that CD were also part of the last three CD’s of the Spirit Series, a joint project between the Cantors Assembly and USCJ.
Executive DIRECTOR
(330)864-8533 EXT. 203
Ḥazzan Matt Axelrod was born and raised in the Boston area. He is a graduate of Brandeis University and received his Masters of Sacred Music and Investiture from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1993. While studying at JTS, he came to Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, New Jersey as the latest in a series of student cantors. Upon graduating from the Seminary, Ḥazzan Axelrod remained at Congregation Beth Israel and became their first full-time cantor. He proudly served in that community until June 2023.
Ḥazzan Axelrod was named Executive Director of the Cantors Assembly in late 2022 and began his duties on July 1, 2023. He succeeds Ḥazzan Stephen J. Stein, who served as Executive Vice President for 25 years, from 1998 -2023. Upon his retirement in June 2023, Ḥazzan Stein was named Executive Vice President, Emeritus.
Active in both the Jewish and interfaith communities, Ḥazzan Axelrod is a past president of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Ministerium, comprising clergy of various faith communities as well as leaders of local civic organizations. Additionally, Ḥazzan Axelrod has served on the United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education and is a past president of the Cantors Assembly New Jersey Region. He sings with the New Jersey Cantors Concert Ensemble, which performs throughout the state and helps to raise scholarship funds for cantorial students.
Ḥazzan Axelrod has been a regular columnist and contributor to the online Bar & Bat Mitzvah Guide, and is the author of Surviving Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah: The Ultimate Insider’s Guide; Your Guide to the Jewish Holidays: From Shofar to Seder; and Raising the Bar Mitzvah: Reimagining What Our Kids Learn. He has been a frequent presenter at synagogues, Jewish community centers, and conferences to speak to groups of parents and teens about the process of preparing for their b’nai mitzvah and how to successfully navigate that period.
Ḥazzan Axelrod is also an avid aviation enthusiast and is a licensed pilot and flight instructor. When not flying over New Jersey, he is likely out running and training for his next marathon. He is married to Dr. Tali Axelrod, a public school principal, and they are the proud parents of two sons, Judah and Josh.
Director of Placement & Human Resources
(330)864-8533 ext. 204
Ḥazzan Rabbi Jeremy Lipton has been an extremely active member of the Cantors Assembly since 1989 and has held numerous leadership positions on both regional and national levels, including as Member of the Executive Council, Treasurer, Vice President Administration, Chair of the Long-Range Planning Committee, Chair of the Education Committee, and Co-Chair of the Cantors Assembly Western Region. As the Coordinator and founding Faculty member (1991-2008) of the highly successful Baal Tefillah Institute (a joint project of the Cantors Assembly and American Jewish University), he has trained hundreds of lay and professional leaders in cantillation and nusach hat'fillah for the entire liturgical year. He has also held academic posts as Professor of Liturgical Studies at the Cantorial School of the Academy for Jewish Religion, California, as well as Adjunct Lecturer in Nusach and Liturgy at American Jewish University's Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and at The Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York.
Ḥazzan Rabbi Lipton received Rabbinic Ordination and Master’s of Jewish Studies Degrees from the Academy for Jewish Religion, New York, and holds both Bachelor's and Master's of Music Degrees in Music/Vocal Performance from California State University. His multi-faceted background encompasses an array of teaching experiences, including those in a number of colleges and universities, where he has also taught voice, choral conducting and opera. As a performer, he has concertized frequently and has appeared in numerous Cantorial concerts, opera, oratorio, recital, recordings, radio, television, and film. He and his wife Kay, a noted musicologist, are the proud parents of two sons, Jonathan and Adam.
Membership Chair
(330) 864-8533 ext. 202
Ḥazzan Bruce Braun has served as Membership Chair and coordinator of the Cantorial Intern of the Cantors Assembly (CICA) program since January 2014. In addition to his duties at the Cantors Assembly, Ḥazzan Braun has been with Shaaray Torah Synagogue in Canton, Ohio for over 48 years, beginning in 1976 as the High Holiday Ba'al Shacharit, Ba'al Korei and Ba'al Toke'ah. In 1981, Ḥazzan Braun took over as the congregation's cantor, and since 2000, he has been Shaaray Torah's Spiritual Leader.
During the early 2000’s, Ḥazzan Braun was a mentor to eight rabbinic students from the Jewish Theological Seminary, each of whom spent a year at Shaaray Torah through the Legacy Heritage Rabbinic Fellow program.
Ḥazzan Braun is a graduate of The University of Akron, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. He studied Ḥazzanut with Ḥazzanim Gabriel Berkovits (z”l), Stephen J. Stein, and Moshe Taubè (z”l), to whom he credits much of his development as a Ḥazzan. Ḥazzan Taubè was not only a teacher to Ḥazzan Braun, but also his mentor. Ḥazzan Braun became a member of the Cantors Assembly in 1985 and received his Commission in 1989.
In 2018, the Jewish Theological Seminary presented an honorary Doctor of Music degree to Ḥazzan Braun for his years of dedicated service to Shaaray Torah, to the cantorate and to the Conservative Movement.
Ḥazzan Braun and his wife, Dianne, an attorney, are the proud parents of Allison and Daniel.
Director of Communications and Programming
Special Projects Coordinator
(330) 864-8533 ext. 200
Placement Coordinator
(330) 864-8533 ext. 201
Financial Coordinator
(330) 864-8533 ext. 206